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Schedule your professional photography session when you stop by the sign-up table at church or simply go online and follow the instructions below.
· Go to the Universal Church Directories website (
· Click on the box on the right side of the homepage entitled “photography appointment scheduling login”
· Enter your church code: az108
· Enter your church password: photos
· Click on the Enter button
· Click on the desired photography date
· Click on the Reserve Time button beside the desired photography
appointment time
· Enter the appropriate information in all required fields (indicated by the asterisk)
· Click on the Schedule Appointment button at the bottom of the screen to reserve the photography appointment time in your family’s name
· If you have more than six family members being photographed, please reserve two appointments consecutively (such as 6:00 and 6:10)
· Print the next screen to use as a reminder of your family’s photography appointment
· Contact the church office to change or cancel your photography